Lucas Roy (singer/songwriter) - Portland, Maine — Press

Media & Press Interviews


News Center Maine 207 airs every weeknight at 7PM and features creatives, entrepreneurs, motivators, and various other influencers from the Maine community.

Authority Magazine

A part of our interview series with leaders, stars, and rising stars in the music industry, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Lucas Roy from The Middle Men.

The Middle Men is an alternative-indie band from Portland, ME whose influ….


The Maine Experience

The Maine Experience Podcast explores all things creative and Maine.

They showcase musicians, artists, creative professionals, entrepreneurs, and all of their different experiences in Maine.

Episode 12 features a conversation and a performance by singer and songwriter Lucas Roy. We discuss his early musical influences, his inspiration for song ideas, and his experiences building his music career in Maine.

Then Lucas performs one of his original songs "Always Be Loving You".

La Caverna

For some people, music is merely about the sound and the way the tones and chords make them feel; it’s what makes them tap their toes or move their hips, regardless of the words being sung. For others, it’s the story being told and the emotions the words illicit that makes music, music. 

Singer and songwriter Lucas Roy has always had a fond love for music, with memories of singing ‘90s country songs in the car with his parents when he was young. The first time he hit the stage vocally was when he was 16 years old……..

Crucial Rhythm

Is there any significance to the band's name?

L: Honestly no. We were stuck between names for a while, so we were "in the middle" of finding a name, and The Middle Men came up an….

Melo Groove

Courage of my Youth was inspired by the struggles of becoming an adult and how everything was a little bit easier when we kids. It’s a song inspired by the struggles of life and the ups and downs of growing up. I wrote the song when I was going through some pe…

Sound Hub

….collaborating with people because the open my eyes to things I might not see/hear. In my experience, everytime I collaborate with someone, we get a fresh take on any idea that’s presented. No ones experience in life is the same so having those unique perspectives surrounding you helps shape the art in a way that one singular mind could not imagine. I always write better songs when collaborating for this reason. I become a better Writer when….